Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Past Few Days...

So I have not been on here to much because we have been getting busier as it gets closer to the start of the kids camp, which starts Monday. Yesterday I went out and visited the village that we are going to be holding the camp at. While there we took sign ups for the camp and for the first camp we have got over two hundred kids and there is already kids signing up for the second camp. We are hoping that we are going to be able to even do the second camp because on August 8th they are going to be shutting out all outsiders to that area and not allowing anybody to help who does not have special permission. We think this is because of the Olympics starting, but we are hoping that we can get the permissions needed to go in still. As for me I will already be home by this month is flying by. Today was fun. Me and my buddy Aaron went to get some of the supplies for the camp this morning. It was interesting to see the way they sell things here. Basically it was like a super sized home depot and lowes outdoors and they are competing with each other to offer you the "best price." Once we got what we needed we got out of there and then we spent the rest of the day working in the office until we went had to go deliver a set of books and book shelves and we got lost.....well actually we weren't lost the place just wasn't where it was supposed to be according to the address. Its a long story maybe ill tell it someday. So we were wondering around for almost three hours with several large bags full of books and a metal frame book shelf. The stupid metal cut my hand open and the books weighed a ton. We did circles around the block in a taxi and walked forever. Once we were done we bought junk food from the store and caught a taxi home. And well now here I am...tired and ready for bed. The next week wont really have any updates cause ill be at the camp most of the week but when I get back I will write up a nice long post explaining the whole camp. I hope everyone is well back home and things arnt to bad without me.Ha ha. Jk everyone. But I miss you all and I will be home in 14 days. Seems long in numbers but time is flying.


Wendy said...

Hey Taylor! thanks for updating...i've been missing your posts! I am so excited to hear about camp...we are in the middle of VBS here (i'm sure you know that) and it's kicking my booty! hahaha...just's awesome and i know you'll have a GREAT time! enjoy and be safe! love you and miss you honey! <3

Restored Photography said...

Hey Wendy,
yea havent had to much time to post. Yea I bet. I hope it is going well for you guys. This camp is already taking its tolls on me. Today we did crafts for the whole week and wow that was interesting. Miss all you guys. Love ya ttyl

Anonymous said...

I love your post! Thanks for all of the you my incredible son. Please be safe! xoxo